Research Poles

The PPGECO professors are part of the executing center of the Program for Research in Biodiversity in the Eastern Amazon (PPBio), whose objective is the development of poles of biodiversity research linked to teaching and research institutions in the Amazon. These poles, called Regional Nuclei, are located in the states of Amapá, Maranhão, Mato Grosso and Pará, the latter in the city of Santarém. In this way, PPGECO professors have been responsible for several technical levelling and training actions that have helped to bridge the gaps that persist between research and teaching institutions in northern Brazil. The PPBio recognizes the important role that PPGECO plays in the consolidation of these centers, absorbing demands for training of qualified human resources in the study of the Amazonian biodiversity. The program's partnership with PPBio - Eastern Amazon resulted in the viability of projects in conservation areas, such as the Caxiuanã National Forest, the Amapá National Forest and the Amazonas National Park. The Serra das Andorinhas State Park and the Serra do Pardo National Park. These activities contributed with unprecedented knowledge that will subsidize the management plans of these areas.


Integration with undergraduate courses

At the institutional level, PPGECO stands out for its integration with other UFPA undergraduate courses, where its professors work in disciplines such as Biological Sciences and Oceanography, as well as internship orientation, scientific initiation and course completion (TCC). The course professors who belong to Eastern Amazon Embrapa do not have direct interaction with undergraduate students. However, it has a dynamic Scientific Initiation program that counts on the participation of students from UFPA and other higher education institutions in the state of Pará. In addition, PPGECO actively contributes to the qualification of professionals from other teaching and research institutions.